Sunday, 28 August 2011

The True or the False ( Part1)

Satan has invented thousands of errors to counterfeit …[Yahuwah's] truth. And the false paths that he has made have been followed as if they were paths of right.
…[Yahuwah] has specified the seventh day as the day that is to be kept holy.
This law is the transcript of his character; and throughout the eternal ages it will remain Yea and Amen, perfect and unalterable, without variableness or shadow of turning.

Why do not the religious teachers of today instruct the people regarding the traitorous movement that Satan has made in putting a common working-day in the place of the day that God has set apart as holy?
The whole matter centers here. Obedience means eternal life; disobedience means eternal death.
Shall the professed Christian churches change leaders, taking a “Thus saith Satan” in the place of a Thus saith the …[Yahuwah]?
Sin lies at the door of those who do not allow their ignorance to be expelled by the rays of light from …[Yahuwah's] word.
In the great day of judgment, what will those who have taken sides with the apostate plead as an excuse for their conduct? How contemptible to them will appear the sparks which they have kindled, in contrast with the holy fire of …[Yahuwah's] kindling!
Sin is the most fearful thing in the whole universe. So fearful is it that it could be pardoned only by the sacrifice of the Son of the infinite Yahuwah. If unpardoned, it must be followed by eternal death.
There is a time coming when every unrepentant transgressor of …[Yahuwah's] law will know what it means to be a sinner, standing in …[Yahuwah's] sight uncovered, without the robe of …[Yahushua's] righteousness, and with a full sense that there is no power in the law to save the transgressor.

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